Tuesday, February 16, 2016

10 Simple Ways to Sneak Exercise Into Your Day

(Without having to make extra time for it!!)

The NUMBER 1 excuse I get when someone shows interest in starting a workout routine or joining one of my fitness challenge groups is….any guesses??
"I don’t have time to workout."

Now, the first thought that comes to mind when I hear this: I can understand where they are coming from, because I felt the EXACT same way before I found what worked for me and for making exercise a daily part of my life. We have so many distractions and time consuming demands coming at us every day that is it easy to feel overwhelmed and like it would be impossible to fit one more thing into your day – like working out.

But...if we are completely honest with ourselves, we have opportunities and bits a time here and there all throughout our days where we watch TV, scroll Facebook or Instagram, sit the whole time while the kids are in the tub, etc. We just CHOOSE to do these things versus doing something else (like getting a workout in) instead of taking the opportunity when it presents itself. It does not mean you have to set aside an hour+ at the gym to get an effective workout or to feel like what you are doing is even worthwhile. Even if it means doing 5-6 short 5 minutes workouts broken up throughout the day – that can be just as effective at moving you towards your goals!!

I’ve come up with a list of 9 easy ways to sneak in a workout during our busy days. Whether you are a stay at home parent with the kids or work long hours away from the house..or you juggle both!  Do all 9 and BAM – by the time your head hits the pillow at the end of the day you’ve easily gotten in over an hour worth of physical activity!!

WAKE UP AND GIVE ME 50 - Those of you who follow me know I prefer to do my 30 min workout in thre morning. But sometimes I just want a little extra sleep. On those days I will at least do a mini workout on the floor of my bedroom before I hop in the shower. a handful of pushups, crunches, plank, squats, etc. It takes me only about five minutes to complete, but it sets the tone for my day.
Plus, if I can't fit in a full workout for the day that evening, at least I did something!

SQUAT WHILE BRSHING TEETH - It may sound (and will definitely look) funny, but it’s effective for 2 reasons: you’ll have a cleaner smile AND a tighter tush. Squatting while brushing will make you brush your teeth for longer and build stronger glutes in the process.

GO THE LONG WAY - We all know this one, but it really works: Take the stairs instead of the elevator/escalator. Find a parking spot far away from your destination so you get a little extra walking. If you ride the bus or subway, get off a stop before your usual stop and walk the extra distance. All of those extra steps really add up!

WALK WITH A PURPOSE - One way to really get the most bang for your buck when "going the long way" - pick up the tempo while walking! Speeding up your steps to a brisk pace while doing errands can burn between 80-130 calories alone in just 30 minutes a day! 

SWAP YOUR OFFICE CHAIR FOR A STABILITY BALL - This is garunteed to turn heads, but sitting on a giant exercise ball instead of the typical office chair will cause you to use your core muscles and have better posture all day long. Just try not to fall off!

FORGET THE SHOPPING CART - If I don't have a huge shopping list, I nix the cart and use a hand basket instead. Carrying the weight is a great workout and I get my grocery shopping done at the same time!

WAITING WORKOUT - Have 2 mins while the oven preheats or microwave to ding? Or waiting for your print job to finish at the office? Sneak in a couple reps of exercise that doesn't require equipment or extra space: pushups against the countertop or desk, squats, lunges, jumping jacks...you get the idea!

GET IN THE ACTION - If you have children in you life, take advantage of opportunities to play with them. Or better yet - if they are old enough, include them in your workout! 30 minute at-home bootcamp workout suddenly becomes make believe army training! Kids have so much natural energy and it's completely infectious! Plus, how often do you have a legitimate excuse to stop acting like an adult?

COMMERCIAL BREAK WORKOUT - This one is my favourite because it can make such an impact! Keep a yoga mat and set of hand weights in your living room. The hardest part of working out is having to motivation to get ready - so if you already have these things out and ready to go, thats half the battle done! This one can really add up to big results. Its simple, rotate through different exercises during each commercial: pushups, jumping jacks, squats, planks, bicep curls, running in place, etc. Each 30 minute TV show has 10 minutes of commercials on average - so this can really start to add up fast!

Exercise is exercise - It is just as effective no matter how you get it done or where you do it. Small steps add up to BIG success!

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