Thursday, March 31, 2016

7 Kid-Friendly April Fools Day Pranks

I love to laugh and love a good friendly now that I have a little one of my own I'll be sure to be pulling some of these when April Fools rolls around at my house! I can't wait to do something unexpected that will surprise and make my daughter laugh with silliness!

Myra is still a little young for most of these ideas...but here are some kid-friendly April Fools day pranks I will be saving these for coming years!

Shrink Wrap
Wrap your toddlers toys in shrink wrap and watch as they are mesmerizes by it! They will love discovering it and unwrapping them!

Freeze their Breakfast
Fill your child's bowl with cereal and milk - then stick it into the freezer overnight! The kids will be in for a surprise when they go to take a scoop with their spoon!

Marshmallow Picking
Stuff marshmallows onto the tips of branches in your yard. Tell the kids the marshmallows are ready for picking and watch the look on their faces as they race outside to pick the "berries".

Pudding or Juice Swap
Instead of a glass of milk or juice, give them a glass of vanilla pudding or set jello. They will be in for a surprise when they go to take a drink!

Balloon Pillow
Fill your child's pillowcase with balloons at nap time. Watch them discover what they pillow is *really* made of!

Funny Colored Milk
Put a drop or 2 of food colouring in their milk...and pretend you have no idea it's a different color!

Grape Chocolate Eggs
Using leftover Easter egg chocolates, use the foil wrapping and wrap grapes - get ready for all sorts of reactions when they discover a grape inside instead of chocolate!

Have a happy and funny April Fools Day! Have you pranked your kiddies before? 

No Equipment 20 Minute Abs Workout

I've got a great no-frills ab workout that you can done in just 20 minutes! This is my go-to...and Myra finds it funny to use me like a jungle gym when I'm on the floor, LOL! Your abs will be on fiyah after this one ;)

If you need to take a break during an exercise, break for 5-10 seconds and then try to get right back at it for the remainder of the minute. Because the workout is just 20 minutes - we want to get "the most bang for our buck"! 

If you decide to give it a try. Modify when and where needed, & let me know what ya thought!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Teenage Babysitters Charge What?!

I recently posted a "grinds my gears" thought on my Facebook and it got quite a bit of response from all perspectives so I thought I would share it on here too. It's about the average cost of casual babysitters these days. I'm talking your young teen sitters...not an experienced nanny, licensed daycares or ECE's, etc. I'm talking "little-to-no-work-experience-and-still-too-young-to-qualify-for-a-regular-job-teen". 

$8+ per hour (I've heard as high as $12 if the teen is "experienced"). Maybe I am way behind the times, but I'm a numbers and stats girl...and to me, these numbers just don't add up. 

Friday, March 25, 2016

Why I am No Longer a Beachbody Coach - My Beachbody Break Up

I’ve been a little MIA lately on the social media front, specifically Beachbody and my fitness groups, and I’ve had a few people reach out to me regarding Beachbody programs and coaching, so I wanted to share my decision with you all...
I am no longer a coach…(hence the changes with my blog!)
It has been on my mind for a while and I was waiting until I truly felt the disconnect. Also, I have a lot of people who see me as their motivator who I was fearful of disappointing.

...But it was time

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Blog Re-Vamping in Progress!

Hi all! Thanks for stopping by!

My blog is a little "naked". It is going to be a bit of a mish-mash and pages are going to be under construction for the next little bit while I work on the design and layout - But when all done it is going to be a constantly growing and changing place for me to document all things I love to talk about and share:

Food, Fitness, Simple Fashion, Family, DIY, Baking and Cake/Cupcake/Cookie Decorating & FUN!

Some of the things you currently see will remain and be made even better (like the recipes) - but there will be some new changes coming too!! Keep your eyes peeled for topics like my favorites and recommendations, QUICK workout cheat sheets that can be done anywhere (key word QUICK - because we as moms know time is of the essence!) and sweet treat decorating tutorials & tips. So please check back in for updates and drop me a comment or message with suggestions for new topics you'd like to see ;)

You can also find updates in these spots. I'd love for you to follow along!