Friday, March 25, 2016

Why I am No Longer a Beachbody Coach - My Beachbody Break Up

I’ve been a little MIA lately on the social media front, specifically Beachbody and my fitness groups, and I’ve had a few people reach out to me regarding Beachbody programs and coaching, so I wanted to share my decision with you all...
I am no longer a coach…(hence the changes with my blog!)
It has been on my mind for a while and I was waiting until I truly felt the disconnect. Also, I have a lot of people who see me as their motivator who I was fearful of disappointing.

...But it was time

I came the decision to terminate my coaching status for a number of reasons, but first I will say this:

I loved coaching.
I loved getting messages from my customers telling me of their successes. Of there excitement to be doing something for themselves and how great they are feeling about themselves both inside and out. I loved meeting other coaches and having a community to talk and share about health and fitness - something that I am so passionate about. 

I still absolutely love the Beachbody workout programs and continue to use them, especially the 21 Day Fix program. I would wholeheartedly recommend the programs to anyone. I also really enjoy Shakeology too. I love the ingredients in it and still think it’s the best around as far as being a non-toxic/no-artificial ingredients meal replacement shake goes. I have a surplus of it and will still drink it for breakfast on those busy days.

As for the coaching? Well, it just wasn’t for me.
I didn't know a whole lot about coaching when I decided to become a Beachbody coach and so I told myself from the beginning that I would give it my all for at least 6 months and then re-evaluate how I felt about it. Its officially been a little less that 9 months now. Here are a few (personal) reasons I am terminating my coaching status:

1. I didn’t like the “cookie cutter” vibe. I’ll explain what I mean by that. I heard it many times: “Coaches share, not sell. You don’t have to be icky-salesy”. <<<and while that’s true…seeing dozens of similar posts by coaches - that are basically textbook to what Beachbody tells you to do - took away from the genuine feeling: hence that cookie-cutter vibe. If I was feeling that way as a coach, I could only imagine how my potential customers felt :(

2. I am not a sales person. It’s not “me”. I personally want more than to encourage people to start their fitness goals by purchasing a product. As much as Beachbody advocates that coaches are to “share, not sell” - sales are ultimately how you make money. I am passionate about helping and encouraging people with health and fitness - and will continue do so as I pursue my fitness instructor certification :) 

3. I have to be honest with myself and know that baking and cake/cookie decorating are equally my passion as health & fitness is…not just Beachbody. Now, these feelings purely come from within and not from any outside source telling me what to do - but as a coach, I felt pressure from myself to hold back my passion for baking and decorating in order to be viewed as credible as a coach. I felt I had to hide a big part of what make me sparkle inside. Maybe I could have done both and been successful, who knows? - but MLM’s are already tough enough to be taken seriously in, so I felt I had to live and breath Beachbody Health and Fitness and it began to take away from other things I enjoy and make me who I am.

4. Priorities. For me, there is a time and place in my life where fitness is at the forefront of my mind. It is a huge part of my daily life and something I am very passionate about sharing, but between maintaining my coach status and “hiding” my other passions, I found the time I was spending on coaching was taking away from other top priorities too much. I always told my challengers that its all about finding balance between healthy living, indulgences and doing the things you love - and I still firmly believe that is the key to sticking with a healthier lifestyle - yet I didn’t feel like I was keeping a balance of my own by hindering some of my other passions in order to pursue coaching.

All of these reasons became more and more apparent as I spent more time as a Beachbody coach. And when it came down to deciding what to spend my extra time on, my choice was always my daughter, my blog or just my daily life in general over trying to scout out new potential contacts for Beachbody.

I’ve got a lot on my plate these days, and between working, blogging, and everyday tasks, most weeks I still struggle to find the time to bake or just stop and watch my daughter grow! Don’t get me wrong - I thrive off being busy. But adding something else on top of that just wasn’t the right fit for me. Because any extra time goes to this little girl and myself too. Because let’s be honest - having a little “me” time to read or get a manicure is a priority too. It’s nice not to have ALL of my free time be devoted to social media.

For some of these coaches, it looks like they’re rocking it. And good for them. This post is not meant to bash Beachbody coaching. I love their workouts and I 100% believe in their mission: “To End The Trend of Obesity” with good old fashioned healthy eating and exercising. I can 100% get behind that! And for some people its great, but it was the business model that just wasn’t for me. 

Moving forward, anyone is always welcome to message me with questions you have about your goals and living healthy, including my past challengers.  My coaching doesn’t end here because I truly love helping others!  I am just walking away from Beachbody.

I’d also love to hear from other coaches or former coaches out there! Any thoughts you’d want to share?